About Me

My name is Rachel Sheppard. I am so excited to be starting this studio. I graduated from Oklahoma Christian University in 2011 with a Bachelors in Music Education. While studying there I took semesters of Voice and Piano lessons as well as classes about vocal and piano pedagogy. Then in 2017 I graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma with my Masters in Educational Leadership. I have taught in the classroom for 6 years and can't wait to get back to how I started - 1 on 1 teaching. Before teaching in the classroom, I taught private voice and piano lessons for 3 years. Since being in the classroom I have learned many new techniques that I cannot wait to add to my studio. 

I want to help every student achieve their musical goal. I fully realize every student is different and I plan to accommodate those differences through each lesson. Whether you have taken for years, started out self-taught, or never sat in front of a piano, we will create musical goals that will excite and encourage you to practice and become the best musician you can.

My studio name was chosen based on a scripture that speaks for making a joyful noise to the Lord. My belief in God and who I am in Him has shaped who I am as a musician and teacher. I love helping in our Children's Ministry at our Church (Bridgeway Church in OKC). I hope through this studio I can help others shape their performing to ultimately glorify the Audience of One.

See up-to-date information about the studio here.